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There are two types of music, and Across the Pond plays both - Irish & Scottish.

Another Jig Will Do/Foxhunters Jig

Arran Boat Song/Morrison's Jig/Shady Grove

Ballydesmond/Maireads/69th Street Polkas

Banks of Spey/Brenda Stubberts  Reel

Birnie Bouzle

Blarney Pilgrim/Kesh Jig/Pipe on the Hob

Blood of Cu Chulain

Boys of Ballisodare/The Butterfly

Boys of Blue Hill/Chief O'Neill's Favorite

Off to California

Castle Kelly/Loch Leven

Children of the Dole

Connaught Rambles/Spear Spear

Cup of Tea/Drowsy Maggie

Denis Murphy/John Ryan Polkas

Drunken Sailor

The Ferryman

The Gael

Galtee Mountain Boy 

Galway Girl

Girl I Left/Guinness Mouse

Haunted House/My Darling Asleep

Inisheer/Eagle's Whistle

Planxty Irwin/Sheebeg Shemore

Jock Stewart

Julia Delaney's/Bank of Ireland

King of the Fairies

Leaving of Liverpool

Little Beggarman

MacNamara's Band

Mairi's Wedding

Master Crowley's/Paddy Taylor's/Maids of Mt. Kisco

Merrily Kiss the Quaker/Saddle the Pony

Merry Blacksmith/Sally Garden Reel

Molly Maguires

Molly Malone

The Old Favorite/Donnybrook Fair

The Parting Glass

Rakes/Mug of Brown Ale/East to Glendart

Red is the Rose

Rights of Man/ Fishers Hornpipe

Rocky Road to Dublin

Roddy McCorley

Rolling Hills of the Border

Salamanca/Banshee/Sailor's Hornpipe

Scotland the Brave/Flowers of Edinburgh

The Scotsman

Smash/Haste/Irish Washerwoman

Song of the Books/Rocks of Brae

South Australia

Star/Chicago/Morning Dew/Joe Cooley's

Strayaway Child

Swallowtail Jig/Kid on the Mountain

Tell Me Ma

Welcome Poor Paddy Home

Whiskey Before Breakfast/Temperance Reel

Whiskey in the Jar

Wild Rover

and many more.

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